Application Process
Application Dates
Applications open on the 1st of June and close on the 25th of August.
If places are taken up, applications will be closed earlier.
Due to limited resources, we can only offer spaces to a restricted number of students on a first-come, first-served basis.
Applications are only taken for year 1.
We are not able to accept applications for other years.
Application Process
Stage 1: Complete Application Form
Applicants must fill out and submit the application form.
Stage 2: Contact From Admission Team
The application will be checked by our admission team. If the applicant satisfies the initial requirements, a member of staff will be in contact via WhatsApp.
Stage 3: Admission Fee
A student reference number will be issued, and a £15 application fee must be paid. This is non-refundable.
Payment details can be found here.
The applicant should send a confirmation of the payment of the admission fee.
Stage 4: Interview and Entrance Exam
After the application fee has been received, an interview will be arranged.
Interviews for applicants from Leicester will be conducted onsite.
Interviews for applicants from outside Leicester will be conducted online.
Details of the interview and entrance exams are given here.
Stage 5: First Installment
Successful applicants will be given a place on our course.
The first instalment of fees should be made between the 15th and 28th of August.
Stage 6: Addition To Microsoft Teams
After the first instalment has been received, the applicant will be added to our learning platform, Microsoft Teams.
Students should purchase the necessary textbooks.
Stage 7: First Day of Madrasah
The first day of madrasah will be Wednesday 28th August.
On this day, staff will assist online students in ensuring they can join the learning platform and familiarise them with the online class setup.
Thereafter, classes will commence as usual.
Preparing for the New Year
Before the course starts, students can start studying using the resources on this page. This will give students a head start and will insha’allah prove beneficial.
Probation Period
Probation Period 1
Initial admission is for a 10-week probation period (Term 1) culminating in an examination.
During this time, performance and, more importantly, attendance, behaviour and effort will be monitored and reviewed.
Students with satisfactory performance and attendance will secure a place on the course.
Students with either unsatisfactory performance, attendance, behaviour or effort will not be allowed to continue the course.
Probation Period 2
After Year 2 in the full-time course and Year 3 in the part-time course, a second review will take place.
Only students with satisfactory performance, attendance, behaviour and effort will be allowed to continue the course.