Mark Scheme and Pass Mark
Mark Scheme
Exam points are distributed based on the amount of class time dedicated to each book.
Each lesson is worth 100 points for the entire year, which is divided into 25 points per term.
An exam covering material from one term will be allocated 25 points, while an exam covering two terms' material will be allocated 50 points.
The full-time course comprises six lessons daily, totalling 150 points for each term, 600 for the entire year.
The part-time course comprises five lessons daily, totalling 125 points for each term, 500 for the entire year.
Pass Mark: Year 1 - 3
Exams are held at the end of each of terms 2 and 4.
To achieve automatic promotion in Years 1-3, students must attain a pass mark of 80%.
Pass Mark: Year 4-5
Exams are held at the end of each terms 2 and 4.
To achieve automatic promotion in Years 4-5, students must attain a pass mark of 70%.
Final Year
There are exams at the end of terms 2 and 4.
The pass mark for the final year is 60%.
Not Acquiring The Pass Mark
The institute will exercise its discretion for students who do not meet the pass mark or miss any examinations, considering various factors such as class attendance and overall performance throughout the year. These students will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Along with examinations, coursework is also given for some subjects. The total mark will be based on the coursework and exam results.
Details of coursework can be found here.
Exam Format
Examination questions are based on the material covered during the term. The style and format of the questions may vary from questions in the textbook and previous past papers.
Past Papers
Past papers for each book and subject can be viewed on the Syllabus Details page.
Exam Tips
Reading the Question
It is recommended to read all parts of a single question before attempting to answer. This will give a better idea of what needs to be explained in each part. Often, students write in one part what is being asked in an upcoming part.
ٓWriting Answers in Arabic
Students are encouraged to write their answers in Arabic. Additional marks may be awarded for this.
However, If an explanation is required, exact or similar wording to the text given will not be accepted. Students should write these answers in English.
Exam Rules
General Rules
Use only a black or blue pen. Do not use a pencil or any other colour pen.
Write your name and student number in the space provided.
Read the questions carefully. Only answer what you are asked.
Write the answer to each question in the space provided below the question.
Put a single line through any errors.
Rules for Onsite Examinations
All students residing within Leicester must attend in person for examinations, even if they have been attending classes online.
Online submissions for those residing within Leicester will not be accepted.
Students must arrive before the start time of examinations. If a student arrives after the start of the examinations, their paper will be categorised as a non-invigilated exam.
Students are not allowed to leave the exam hall after the exam has started. If a student needs to leave the hall for any reason, their exam will be downgraded to a non-invigilated exam.
Exam Times
Exams will take place during regular class hours.
Rules for Online Examinations
Receiving the Exam Papers
Online students will receive the exam paper via the online learning platform.
All students must turn on their cameras during exams.
The camera should be positioned so that both the student's face and the writing surface are fully visible.
If the camera is not turned on, or if it is not positioned correctly, the exam paper will not be marked.
Sisters will be placed in individual virtual rooms to ensure their privacy.
Completing Papers
Students can complete the exam by either
printing it and writing the answer on the printed paper
completing the exam paper on their device. Please consider that many times students have had all their writing erased from the device and have had to restart the exam.
If students are unable to access a printer or are unable to complete the exam on their device, they can submit on a lined piece of paper.
Submitting Completed Exam Papers
After completing the exam, students should scan all the papers and save them as a PDF.
The PDF should be sent to exam@alqalaminstitute.org with the subject line as the candidate number and subject. e.g 16-001 FSTU Nahw.
Exam papers which are not scanned correctly may be rejected and not be marked.
Click here for help on how to scan documents.
Submission Deadline
11:40 AM (UK Time)
Sisters: 7:30 PM (UK Time)
Session 1: 7:30 PM (UK Time)
Session 2: 8:45 PM (UK Time)
Exams submitted after the submission deadline may be penalised with a 10% deduction in marks.
The institute will not accept any paper submitted more than 2 hours after the submission time.
If a student is unable to sit the exam because of extreme circumstances, they should contact the admin in advance and discuss their situation.
The institute can not accommodate late sittings.
The institute may conduct an oral exam of any written paper to ensure the student can verbally answer the questions as they have written in the exam.
Return of Marked Papers
Insha'Allah, exam papers and results will usually be returned within 21 madrasah days after the last exam.
Online papers which were not scanned correctly may not be returned.