As-Sugra fi an-Nahw (Resources)
The PowerPoints used in the videos are available here.
No of videos: 28
Playlist Length: 7 Hours
Information for Teachers and Students
To be able to:
Read the text fluently
Translate the text
Explain the text
Recall the Arabic terms used in the book
Summarise the entire book.
Teaching Methodology
Students will attempt to solve and analyse the text under the teacher's supervision.
After that, the teacher will provide any necessary explanation and clarification.
Daily, the teacher will listen to the previous lesson, checking for correct reading and translation of the text.
Additional Learning
Even though the text with tashkeel will be used during class, students can enhance their Arabic skills in their own time by practicing reading the version of the text without tashkeel.
Exams and Coursework
25 points are allocated to this book as follows:
Oral Exam: 10 points
Book Summary: 10 Points
Spelling Book: 5 points
Spelling Book
Students must complete the spelling book by writing each given term three times and submit it before the exam.
The spelling book will be given to students onsite.
Online students can download and print the book here.
Book Summary
After the book has been taught, students must submit a summary of the book.
3 Marks for Presentation
7 Mark for Content
Sample Book Summaries
These are examples of high-quality book summaries. While good presentation is important, students should manage their time effectively, considering how much they can allocate to this project, and avoid overburdening themselves with aesthetics.