Quran Translation
Past Papers
Quran Translation Surah 1-2 Verse 1-141 (2025 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 2 Verse 142- 257 (2024 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 2 Verse 211 - Surah 3 Verse 91 (2023 Part-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 3 Verse 92 - Surah 4 Verse 23 (2024 Part Time)
Quran Translation Surah 4-5 (2024 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 6 (2019)
Quran Translation Surah 7- 9 (2023 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 10-18 (2023 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 17-21 (2023 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 22 - 25 (2023 Part-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 24 -30 (2023 Full-Time)
Quran Translation Surah 28-33 (2022 Part-Time)
Information for Teachers and Students
Primary Goals
Translate every verse correctly, memorising the meaning of new words.
Explain the meaning, especially those words and verses whose meanings are not obvious.
Recall the circumstance of revelation.
Secondary Goals
Understand and explain any difficult Nahw or Sarf points within the verses.
Gain familiarity with the various English translations available.
Teaching Methodology
Year 2, Term 1
The teacher will translate the verses, and explain the meaning of the verses. If there is a circumstance of revelation this will also be mentioned.
The teacher will listen to the previous lesson daily.
Year 2, Terms 2-4
Students will attempt to solve and analyse the verse under the teacher's supervision.
Where necessary, the teacher will
Finalise and correct the student's translation
Explain any circumstance of revelation
Explain the meaning of difficult verses
The teacher will recap any new vocabulary or difficult structures.
Year 3
Students will be expected to ensure they take ownership of their revision and recap. The teacher will not be doing daily collective recap.