al-Wusta fi at-Tasreef
Past Papers
Note: Some of the files below will have as-Sugra fi at-Tasreef written on them. This can be ignored. These are the equivalent of the current al-Wusta fi at-Tasreef papers.
al-Wusta fi at-Tasreef Muqaddimah-Maqsid 1 (2023 Full Time)
al-Wusta fi at-Tasreef Muqaddimah-Maqsid 1 Bab 2 (2024 Full Time)
al-Wusta fi at-Tasreef Muqaddimah-Maqsid 2 (2023 Full Time)
al-Wusta fi at-Tasreef Maqsid 1-Maqsid 3 Bab 4 (2024 Part Time)
Information for Teachers and Students
Primary Goals
Learn and memorise the terminologies
Understand the معاني الأفعال and apply them to other verbs from the Quran and literature books.
Understand and explain the changes to irregular verbs
Secondary Goals
Read, translate and explain the text
Summarise each section
Teaching Methodology
Students will attempt to solve and analyse the text under the supervision of the teacher.
Thereafter, the teacher will provide any necessary explanation and clarification.