Mukhtasar Seerah Ibn Hisham



A PDF is available here.


There are various versions of تهذيب سيرة ابن هشام. Currently, the edition writted by عبد السلام هارون is used at Al-Qalam.


An audiobook is available here.

Further Reading

Students can use the following Seerah books for further reading.

Further Reading - English

The Sealed Nectar (al-Mubarakpoori) 

Sirat al-Mustafa Abridged  (Shaykh Muhammad Idris al-Kandehlawi)

Fiqh Us Seerah: Understanding The Life Of Prophet Muhammad (Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali)

Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources (Martin Lings)

There are some incidents mentioned in this book whose authenticity is questionable. Students reading this book should consult with their teachers. 

Further Reading - Arabic

سيرة ابن هشام

عيون الأثر في فنون المغازي والشمائل والسير (ابن سيد الناس)

اللؤلؤ المكنون في سيرة النبيّ المأمون ﷺ

المختصر في السيرة النبوية

Useful Videos

ذاكرة الأماكن

Information for Teachers and Students


From حفر بئر زمزم until the end of the book.


Primary Goals

Secondary Goals

Teaching Methodology

Students will have to solve and analyse the text under the teacher's supervision.

Students will be expected to apply their knowledge to any grammar rules used in the set text